Terms of use

3. Agreed Fixed Fees and Disbursements

3.1. An agreed Fixed Fee Arrangement is an alternative to the standard hourly rate used by solicitors and lawyers. Some of our services are offered on a 100% agreed fixed fee basis. Under this type of arrangement, We provide you with a fixed price quotation for legal representation for a specific matter. Agreed fixed fees are not dictated by time spent on a file and are not dependent on case outcome or stage reached. Our agreed fixed fee quotation will cover the cost of your legal representation on a retainer basis. This means that the fee you have been quoted will be for you to retain our services until conclusion of the matter and both parties will be obligated to one another until the completion of the mission. This gives certainty of legal cost to the client thus allowing you to budget for your legal fees and also gives commitment to the firm thus allowing uninterrupted service.

3.2. By default, all of our services are offered on a 100% agreed fixed fee basis and in accordance with the Terms of Business. Once you have instructed the firm by accepting our quotation and making payment, this will also later be confirmed in writing in an email summarising the tasks undertaken up to the point of instruction and furthermore will confirm the next steps going forward. It should be noted that we are deemed to have been formally instructed at the stage at which you have accepted our quotation and made a payment for service to the firm. Where an agreed fixed fee quotation has been accepted, it cannot be varied in retrospect subject to to the following exception: We reserve the right to vary such a fee in the event of a material change in circumstances and or instructions such that the quote would have to be exceeded for the matter to be concluded; we will seek your consent in advance before costs are incurred exceeding the agreed fixed fee.

3.3. Your client care letter which will be shared with you along with our Initial Assessment will confirm the fees and charges we have agreed for the work we will carry out on your behalf along with the basis of the fee taken and your attention will be drawn to the firms standard terms of engagement and our standard policies.

3.4. It must be understood that an ‘Agreed fixed Fee’ is one that is absolutely fixed in all possible eventualities. Not only is an ‘Agreed fixed Fee’ one that cannot be varied upwards, equally, it is a fee that is not capable of being varied downwards. Accordingly, the agreed fixed fee is non-refundable regardless of which stage the matter has reached and it is not dependent on tasks completed or case outcome. Once a payment is received in our bank accounts, we are considered to have been formally instructed to progress the matter to conclusion and work carried out/planned by us will be carried out with a view to reach the desired objective namely a positive outcome. No refunds can be raised once work has commenced, particularly in case the Initial Assessment shows that the expected outcome is unlikely in our opinion.

3.5. Disbursements will be charged in addition to our professional fees.

3.6. Where applicable, fees and disbursements are (where liable) subject to VAT or similar taxes in addition.

3.7. Any disbursement fees (e.g. administrative or similar fees, courier fees, Entry Clearance fees, translation fees, interpreting fees) are excluded from our fees. Any postage costs incurred for overseas mail requiring courier or exceptionally heavy items will also attract an additional fee.

3.8. Although we shall always endeavour to make clients aware of payment deadlines for Government fees, it remains the responsibility of the client to ensure that they are deemed to comply with any such requests at all times. We shall accept no responsibility for any applications which have been denied/deferred/rejected due to non-payment of Government fees.

3.9. Where, after consultation with you, other advisers or service providers are engaged (such as accountants, interpreter fees, postage fees, expert fees etc.) They will be engaged by us acting as your agent and you will be responsible for their fees in addition to our own.

3.10. Please note, if disbursements increase for any reason between the date of advice and the date of submission, you will be responsible for the increase in payment.

3.11. To assist us in carrying out the work as efficiently as possible, you must ensure that all information provided is complete, accurate and up to date with supporting documents as we or the Government Administration may require. You must also notify us of any changes or variations to that information which may arise after the date it is passed to us and of any new circumstances that might be relevant to the work we are undertaking.

3.12. Notwithstanding any estimates which we provide, in matters where an hourly rate has been offered, our final bill will be a product of the amount of time our legal representatives spend on the transaction and our fee rates as set out below.

3.13. Should a (non agreed fixed fee) instruction be accepted and then subsequently be withdrawn for any reason following the provision of service including, but not limited to planning, legal strategy, legal advice, confirmation of documentary requirements, administration by way of calls, emails and/or bespoke correspondence, all work carried out will be billed at our minimum standard hourly rate of EUR250 +VAT.

3.14. If the instruction was accepted on an agreed fixed fee basis, once service has been engaged (by way of legal consultation, irrespective of the method of delivery or duration) no refunds will be issued in the event of withdrawal/variation of instructions.

3.15. All requests for termination of retainer agreement/withdrawal or variation of instructions/cancellation and or refund requests will only be recorded if made in writing and delivered to us by registered mail to our offices located in 24 Rue Mayet, 75006 Paris. Any requests made externally to this process will be deemed invalid and will not be acknowledged as a valid request.
For matters accepted on an agreed fixed fee basis, the fee agreed between the firm and the client is fixed and therefore, both parties enter into a contractual agreement which is formed at the point a quotation is accepted and payment tendered. Accordingly, agreed fixed fees are non refundable irrespective of stage reached, work carried out or outcome of representation.