Terms of use

14. Our files

14.1. Our files in respect of cases that we handle on your behalf are our property. However, we are willing at your expense and on your written instruction to provide you, or somebody acting on your behalf, with access to the files and/or copies of papers from the files, subject to removal of any information that may be confidential, covered by professional privilege, or contains personal data that cannot be disclosed. If it is necessary for original documents to be taken from our files, we reserve the right to take copies at your expense for retention in our files.

14.2. Access to the contents of our files in the above ways is conditional on your account with us being up to date. We are entitled to keep all your papers and documents whilst there is money owed to us on any account. We shall have a lien over all papers as a matter of law, documents, money or other property held on your behalf until all sums due to us are paid in cleared funds.

14.3. We have a file destruction policy which is available to you on request. Unless specific terms are agreed with you regarding the retention of files when cases are no longer current, your files in our possession may be destroyed, in accordance with our policy, without reference to you.